Loin derrière les montagnes du Tauros, au pied de la chaîne du Caucase, un pays ancien existait entre trois mers (méditerranée, mer noire et caspienne) au confluent de grandes routes commerciales et migratoires en asie centrale. La dynastie du petit royaume d'Urartu datait du IXe siècle avant jc. Mais ses racines remontaient dit-on au déluge (l'arche de noé est censée s'être échouée sur le mont Ararat, berceau des arméniens). En 612, le royaume tomba sous le contrôle des mèdes puis des Perses. Il resta une dynastie jusqu'à la conquête Alexandrine, puis après sa mort, fut brièvement indépendante avant de connaître de nouveau un statut semi-autonome sous les Séleucides, situation en 300 avant jc. Il faudra attendre 190 av. jc. et surtout tigranes II pour que le petit Royaume montagnard se mue en empire proche-Oriental, à l'instar des Parthes.
L'armée Arménienne était de composition mixte, avec une structure de base héritée principalement de l'ère Perse, mâtinée de spécificités locales comme sa puissante cavalerie de lanciers et archers cataphractes. La phalange fut introduite par le biais des Séleucides, mais ne connut pas la même généralisation qu'au Pont Voisin. L'hellenisation tardive de l'Arménie généra des hoplites locaux et des corps de phalangistes, mais le gros des forces restait constitué de piquiers légers de levées, troupes d'assaut de montagne, combattants polyvalents, archers, et puissante cavalerie. Dans CATW cette faction possède ainsi une armée au départ de style très persane, avec une puissante cavalerie dont la proportion est importante, et par la suite elle s'hellenise jusqu'a arriver très tardivement à un début de "romanisation" de son infanterie. Elle combine cette infanterie assez moyenne à une excellente cavalerie en proportion importante.
This was 2310 years ago...
Far in the east, beyond the Taurus mountains, an old and proud people still lives out for the great cataclysm of political changes.
The Armenian Kingdom was in 612 bc controlled by medes and later by Persia. During the conquest battles against Alexander the great, the Armenian heavy cavalry, known for his valor, fought and died in first-line. After Darius fled and the whole Persian empire had been under macedonian control, Armenia was maintained in the Alexander Empire, but reach his independence after his death, surviving between the pontic kingdom, the seleucid empire and the Parthians. In 300 bc, Armenia was under tutelary presence of the seleucids, with a semi-autonomy provided by a special satrapal regime of favor. Armenia was ruled by his own kings of ancient Urartian descent, but theoretically themselves under seleucid suzerainty.
In 190 bc, the Armenian territories were reunified and under the new Atashesian dynasty, reach a new capital, Artashat, builded - as the Romans wrote it - by the refugee Hannibal Barca Himself. Then, the reign of Tigranes II begins in 95bc, alongside another great king, Mithridates of Pontus. Under his reign, the Armenian Kingdom has reach new territories from the caspian to egypt and palestine, and made an empire founding four capitals. The Armenian army is an interesting one. It is a good mixt between the classic eastern horse-archers and a foot infantry army. The introduction of the phalanx was recent, from the pontic and seleucid influence, but the whole infantry was more a bunch of hand-to-hand combat infantry and mixt archers heritated from the persian warfare. This was a good mix, well used against the Roman legions...
NIZAM GUND (Levy spearmen) : Unlike the ancient "true" sparabara which were better trained and efficient, the Nizam Gund were eastern spearmen of the most basic type. As "modern" sparabara", they were ony "spara-bearers", their common equipment was a rectangular wicker shield and a spear. They wore a tunic, often brightly colored, but no armour at all, even a linen soft cap. These were levies, poor commoners, throw to the battle with little training, although repel simple orders. They were no intended to make complicated tactical moves, but only offer a large-scale spear "buffer". Their number was enough intimidating for every cavalry unit. Their short spears were also easy to manage, but more useful against infantry than cavalry. They can't match a professional infantry in any way but only die and absorbing a charge. As they were reluctant to such an assignment, a general cannot expect high morale from this infantry. If things gone wild, the whole unit could be routed easily. But their main advantage keeps in their large number, quick raising and cheap price of equipment and training. To protected archers, they are always useful.
NIZAM GUND (piquiers levés en masse) : Contrairement aux anciens "sparabara" qui avaient au moins le mérite d'être sommairement entraînés, les levées arméniennes paysannes, ne se voyaient affecter qu'un pauvre bouclier d'osier de fortune et une pique. Leur rôle principal était de renforcer les "vrais" porteurs de spara (le grand bouclier d'osier des armées Persanes), en ne comptant que sur leur nombre et leur capacité à tenir la ligne. De ce fait, ils n'avaient aucune chance face à une infanterie de métier, ne pouvant jouer le rôle que de "masse armée" pour dissuader ou contenir les assaults. Si l'infanterie de métier lâchait, on ne pouvait guère compte que celle-ci résiste. En effet, plus soucieux de penser à leur familles, ces milices provisoires rempaient les rangs sans ordres et s'enfuyaient à la moindre occasion. En dehors de la bataille rangée, leur rôle se limitait à celui d'un milice de défense rurale, de renfort de garnison, ou de protection du train de bagage. Portant bouclier et piquen ils pouvaient se montrer efficaces lorsque bien soutenus et protégeant des archers.
NIZAGAMARTIK (Spearmen) : Nizagamartik were armenian spearmen from the plains, citizens and peasants, not levies, as they were well-trained to fight in the battleline, and acting as soldiers. They were however poorely equipped, with only a large wicker shield as protection, which could be compared to the persian spara. Some were armed with an additionnal dagger. They have longer spears than militias and their main durty was to stop cavalry charges and act like ancient sparabara. Recruited amongst the frontiersmen, they were cunning people, usually fightining for their lives against the fierce mountaineers and other raiding nomads. As ancient Urartian spearmen, and in the sparabara tradition, they were trained to hold the line and operate some simple tactic moves. This was a more valuable unit than the sparabara, and the simple militias, the last beeing always reluctant to fight and pushed into the battle without any preparation. Their great number was a match for every enemy cavalry. They were physically and mentally stronger and can sustain an assaut with any foot infantry, and to protect themselves and hold the line with their large shield under an heavy rain of arrows, when others will fled.
NIZAGAMARTIK (Piquiers) : Les Nizagamartik formaient l'ossature de l'infanterie Arménienne. Il s'agissait d'une version local des "sparabara" perse, avec un bon entraînement, une longue pique, et une dague d'appoint pour les combats rapprochés, ainsi que d'une armure de cruir légère. Leur bouclier en bois en osier renforcé et concave les protégeaient bien contre la plupart des missiles ennemis, exception faite des javelots. Son rôle premier consitait à tenir la ligne en protégeant les archers. Issus de la paysannerie, ils recevaient un bon équipement et un entraînement de long terme qui en faisaient des levées militarisées de bonne qualité. Leur morale et leur discipline, leur entraînement tactique leur donnait un avantage certaine contre des troupes peu organisées, mais ce type de troupe ne pouvait guère soutenir un assault de fantassins professionnels et difficilement supporter un massif assault de cavalerie lourde. Bien soutenus, ils protégeaient efficacement les archers et tenaient la ligne indéfiniment.
SAGARAMARTIK (light assaut infantry) : The armenian lands are made from fertile valleys and cold and savage mountains. There, in their rocky nests, some citadels and fortified villages were the home of local warrior lord, which made raiding parties against the valley peoples. The Arsacid, which inherited the ancient land of their ancestors, the urartian empire, had to deal within centuries against these fierce mountaineers. On time, they found more useful to draw these rude men by generous wages. More than mercenaries, these former brigands were integrated in the armenian army as auxiliaries, playing roughly the same attack duty than the persian takabara. They were armed by the heavy war-axe of the scythian, the Sagaris, and having a wicker shield, to protect themselves against arrows, more than sword or spear blows. They have no shield, coming as they are, and no training at all, but a coaching to charge on order. They would have been posted to the front of the phalanx, used to break and tiring the enemy, or at the wings, to be thrown on the weakest point of the enemy and broke his line, allowing the better armed and protected sooseramartik to exploit the breach.
SAGARAMARTIK (porteurs de sagaris) : Equivalents des takabara perses, les porteurs de sagaris (et autres haches de combat des montagnards) étaient l'infanterie d'assault classique des armées d'Arménie. Portant leur hache, et un léger bouclier, ils se tenaient juste derrière les porteurs de grands boucliers. Lorsque l'infanterie ennemie étaient trop proche pour les archers, ils lancaient une volée de javelots légers, puis passaient à l'assault tandis que les piquiers avançaient derrière. Leur but était de rompre la ligne adverse pour permettre sa dislocation plus facile avec le gros des troupes suivantes. Ils se recrutaient parmi les très nombreuses tribus de montagnards du Caucase et d'arménie, réputés du temps des Perses (la plupart des takabara étaient issus de leurs rangs).
KENTRONAKAN (Heavy spearmen): Although the nizagamartik formed the bulkforce of the infantry in an armenia battle line, they are backed themselves by elite spearmen, the Kentronakan. They are picked-up veterans, chosen and trained to form a phalanx-like formation, although it was not really a true phalanx in a macedonian sense, but rater in the persian sense, as they still use their cumbersome spara shields. They are mostly used to hold the line, as they have a longer spear, reinforced shield, which need to be strapped on the forearm, the spear beeing two-hands manned. They were slow, but very sturdy and fearless, with high morale and training. They were very well equipped too, with a large rectangular shaped, iron faced shield, and carrying a long sword of high quality as secondary weapon. If needed, they could act as an elite infantry unit, but their large shield is not conceived for attack but defence first. They can act as an anchor in the middle of levies and light spearmen. These are one of the best foot line troops the armenians can offer.
KENTRONAKAN (Piquiers lourds): En complément des piquiers levés en masse, les piquiers lourds étaient une armée de métier, disposant de piques très longues et de bouclier en bois renforcé de métal. Ils portaient également une armure d'écaille et un casque, d'un style qui variat du type conique ou rond de l'Orient à des modèles hellenistiques comme le trèe populaire casque Phrygien. Soldats de métiers très bien entraînés, ils étaient capable de tenir la ligne face à des phalangistes aguerris. Comme eux, ils portaient une épée courte pour le combat rapproché. Leur but était de renforcer le grand nombre de piquiers levés en masse et de mener l'assaut au pas lent, formant un coin derrière lequel suivaient les piquiers plus léger, afin de rompre en deux la ligne de bataille ennemie. Loyaux et d'excellent moral, ils formaient l'essentiel de l'infanterie lourde Arménienne.
AZAD SPARABARA (Royal sparabara) : This Elite infantry was an early one, derived from the ancien persian royal sparabara, and like them, were well-equipped, with a bronze plumed helmet, quilted or scaled armor, and the famous counterweight "apple-spear" or "melophoroi". They acted like the ancient elite sparabara, with high skills, protected behind their large shield and manning their counterweighted spear overhead. It was a royal unit, inherited from the ancient perisans, which was maintained by the local armenian king, acting as a satrap for the persian army. In 300 bc they were still a part of the armenian army, but quickly faded in favor to newly trained hellenized spearmen fighting in phalanx. This survival old-fashioned unit fought with their spear over their high spara, and trained to advance slowly in thight formation, just as the very old sumerian phalanx. They were also equipped with daggers and small sagaris axes, for close-combat, when their cohesion was broken.
AZAD SPARABARA (Sparabara Royaux) : Cette infanterie lourde était une survivance de l'ordonnancement de l'armée Perse. Il s'agissaient de soldats de métiers très bien entraînés, issus des sparabara et comme eux portant un grand bouclier d'osier renforcé, mais aussi une armure et un casque, combattant de près avec une lance courte à contreproids ""à pomme") ce qui en faisaient des "melophoroi", et une hache et une dague pour le combat rapproché. Troupes d'élites, Royales, elles faisaient partie d'une unité prestigieuse bien que déjà désuette en 300 av. jc. En effet, contre la phalange, elle ne pouvait guère tenir. On les remplaça par des phalangistes d'imitation hellenistique par la suite.
SOOSERAMARTIK (heavy swordsmen) The armenian army was influenced by the near hellenistic superpowers, but was also a persian shaped army. The professional infantry was usually divided between the defensive spearmen, archers behind, and attack troops as ancient takabara. At the beginning, there were the cheaper, prolific mountaineers axemen. They were however undisciplined and difficult to control. Lately, a new heavy greek-style skirmisher was intoduced and a new medium infantry which was mainly a sword-bearer and act as the main attack infantry, others said a "romanized infantry". But the very first sooseramartik were in fact local sword bearers, preceding their assault with javelins. It was a veteran infantry, chosen from the regular spearmen units, and more physically stronger and more skilled men, raised by their officers as a promotion. They were given a good quality armor, a long sword of high standard, and two heavy javelins to backing their assault. This infantry was also used by pontus, and became more romanized in the time of tigranes II, using the chainmail and gladius.
SOOSERAMARTIK (épéistes lourds) Infanterie d'élite recrutée parmi les propriétaire terriens suffisamment argentés pour disposer de cet équipement et trtès entraînée, cette unité complétait de manière bien plus valable les Sagaramartik et autres porteurs de hache. Parfaits pour le combat rapprochés, ils s'inspiraient à la fois des Machairaphoroi Hellenistiques et de l'infanterie Romaine. Porteurs de javelots, ces troupes étaient utilisées comme peltastes lourds, puis réorganisés en "légions". Ils furent particulièrement prolifiques à l'époque de Tigranes le grand et jouèrent un rôle essentiel dans le développement de l'empire Arménien.
ARMENIAN PHALANX : This late heavy infantry was modelled after the hellenistic phalanx. This was, with no doubt a very sturdy infantry, made of chosen veterans from the regular heavy spear units -like the famous kentrokanan, and azat, free men of superior rank and prestige. They were heavily armoured, combining scale and mail armor, and trained to make a macedonian-style phalanx.
PHALANGE ARMENIENNE : Cette infanterie lourde d'inspiratiion Hellenistique évidente succédait aux "hoplites" dans ce rôle et formaient également une garde royale. De très haut moral, très bien entraînés, ils pouvaient tenir à distance les meilleures unités d'infanterie et combattre une phalange avec de réelles chances de succés. L'armée de Tigranes disposait d'un tel corps de phalangistes, modelé sur les unités de 256 hommes ou "Lochoi" en formations modulaires après les réforme d'Ascepiodotos.
AZAT KARDAKA : The armenian infantry was not an empty word as it was not a nomad culture. Great cities were established in a mountaineous land, giving a mix of infantry and heavy cavalry. This infantry was partially inspired by the ancient model of the persian empire, but some armenian sovereign soon admired the new hellenistic model of the conquerors and create hellenized eastern infantry such as the kentronakan and the nakahararakan, which were at the origin, dismounted bodyguards or bodyguards of the royal palace. They soon keep this royal character, beeing a few veteran chosen warriors, appointed by the king himself. It was a foot guard, but also a battleline unit, using the phalanx formation. In 300 bc, Armenian was a former satrapy of the persian empire, now an alexandrian satrapy, under the rule of neoptolemos, and in 301 bc, an independant kingdom under the old Orontid dynasty, and Orontes II. It was under the sphere of influence of the seleucid empire, and the court was hellenized. This kind of infantry was between the persian kardaka, appointed as an hoplite-like heavy bodyguards, and traditionnal greek hoplites. Their clothes were those of the kardaka, and their greek-style linen armor was reinforced with bronze scales. They bear also a short sword and a 75 cm to 1-meter wide aspis, made with wood and reinforced with bronze. They also bear an urartian cone helmet crested. In a battle, they usually stay with the king, but wjen the lat was mounted, they could fight alongside the spearmen and were more agile than the lasts.
AZAT KARDAKA : Autre unité d'élite de l'armée Arménienne au moment de on indépendance de l'empire Seleucide, les Kardaka ou "hoplites d'imitation" de l'armée Perse, se fondaient sur le mélange entre une armure d'écaille, une "doru" de trois mètres et un aspis en bronze, pour mettre en déroute des unités légères d'infanterie. Solides, ces propriétaires aisés combattaient à pied en unités très bien entraîinées et équipées. Elles ne pouvaient cependant pas faire face à des phalanges du fait de leur faible portée. La dynastie indépendante des Orointides, reprenant l'ancienne satrapie Arménienne, était ainsi fortement héllénisée et renouait avec les traditions Persanes et Grecques. De nombreux auteurs font ainsi mention de "hoplites arméniens" à des époques différentes. Leur rôle était plus mobile que les sparabara et ils renforcaient ainsi la partie la plus faible de la ligne de bataille tels des hypaspistes.
DISMOUNTED NAKAHAR : This elite infantry was in fact not a regular one, composed of dismounted cataphract nobles, to act as an heavy infantry when needs, on rough terrain, as a support assault, or as an elite assault infantry. It was not usual however to train and equip some troops raised amongst the best sooseramartik to act as a siege assault special infantry. Although slow and not particularly agile, they were however highly protected, and fight with their heavy mace and heavy javelins, with the same thureos than the regular sooseramartik. They were, in fact, a thrilling answer to the elite assaut troops of the seleucids, as the agrianians and the thorakitai argyraspides.
NAKAHAR A PIED : Lorsque la cavalerie lourde d'élite Arménienne mettait pied à terre pour combattre comme infanterie d'assault, cela donnait l'une des plus extraordinaire unité de combat rapprochée. Armés de javelots et de masses d'armes, très lourdement protégés par de la côte de maille et une armure d'écailles épaisses de la meilleure qualité, on ne pouvait pas leur demander de rapides mouvements tactiques, mais un assaut court et dévastateur. Redoutable pour l'assaut de murailles là ou toutes les autres unités échouaient, ces Nakahar (corps d'élite Royal) à pied étaient l'infanterie occasionelle la plus aguerrie et la plus efficace de l'armée Arménienne. Tout comme leurs équivalents Parthes, ils furent imités par les Seleucides et Pergame.
AZAKU MARDIG (late romanized heavy infantry) : Between 180 and 150 bc, the romans thrilling victories against the hellenic phalanx had a tremendous impact on the warfare doctrine in the east and southern hellenic kingdoms. Under Tigranes II, dismounted nobles or wealthy warriors were chosen to form specially trained units, with a strong legionary influence. Although having some hellenistic equipment as the thureos shield, greaves, scaled linothorax, and several javelins instead of heavy pila, a long eastern sword instead of a gladius, they were displayed in small size homogeneous units for better tactical flexibiliy. As an elite, they were a few, but by far the best foot infantry of Tigranes II which discarded some of his former phalanxes units. These units were one part of the armenian "imperial" new army that conquered roughly the western part of the former persian empire. During his reign Tigranes seen himself as the successor of the hellenistic culture after the Pontus failed to defeat the romans, and the court and the whole society was hellenized as never before. Although beeing a match for the roman legionaries, these azat warriors were only a small part of the whole armenian infantry, which was still made of old-style light spearmen and mountaineers axemen and archers, and if they had some success against Lucullus in 68 bc, they failed eventually to prevent the surrender, facing Pompey armies.
AZAKU MARDIG (légion arménienne) : Apparue vraisemblablement entre 180 et 150 av. jc., cette infanterie réformée s'inspiraient aussi bien des "légionnaires" hellenistiques, évolution lourde des machairaphoroi, que de leurs modèles originaux Romains, alors victorieux et présents en Asie. Très bien entraînés, mais sans doute pas autant que leurs inspirateurs, ils furtent formés et recrutés en quantité importante pour compléter les traditionnelles levées de piquiers et d'archers. Ils furent très importants lors de l'extension de l'empire de Tigranes II montrant même d'excellent résultat contre les légions Romaines en adoptant la même tactique, mais avec en sus la formidable cavalerie Arménienne.
HAI NIZAKAMARTIK (armenian thureophoroi) : Beeing elite skirmisher, they were free men "azat", with more heavy equipment than usual javelinmen, so that they could stand their ground against all kind of infantry. Historically, this was a relatively late unit, created under late hellenic influence. They were lighter than later imitation legionaries and even sooseramartik swordsmen, but highly skilled.
HAI NIZAKAMARTIK (Thureophoroi Arméniens) : En complément des "légionnaires" arméniens tardifs, cette unités de tirailleurs lourds fut inspirée des peltastes lourds Héllénistiques. Portant un thureos, des javelots et une épée pour le combat rapprochée, de même qu'un casque et une armure, cette unité complétait formidablement l'action des porteurs de hache. Contraitement à ces derniers, ils étaient issus de la classe "bourgeoise" et citadine d'arménie, très bien entraînés et équipés. Ils pouvaient ainsi mener des assault et faire face à la plupart des unités d'infanterie moyenne et légère.
GUND I PATLA (Local tribesmen levy peltasts) : These were local caucasian javelineers, raised from remote villages, and fightning with a light equipment of their own. They were better for guerrilla warfare, but they can still perform front skirmishes in any pitched battle.
GUND I PATLA (Local tribesmen levy peltasts) : These were local caucasian jav
THANVAR HAYASDAN (levy tribesmen archers) : Current armenian free archers, they use their light composite bow with great efficience, not with spectacular range but quick rate of fire.
THANVAR AZADAN (Elite archers) ; Certainly amongst the best archers in asia, they can stood their ground fiercly, with powerful long-range composite bows and a bunch of specially-shaped arrows, spare bows, spare parts and support retinue. They can also fight closer with longswords and high skills.
KARTVELI FRADAKSHANA (caucasian slingers) : These men were caucasian auxiliaries, accostumed to fire various bullets (natural or specially shaped, even lead ones) at great distance. Their skills were impressive, and as warriors, they were slighty well equipped and trained than average tribal archers or slingers, and capable of closefight as well.
SHIVATIR (Mounted archers) : The backbone of the light cavalry, these levied horsemen were famous for their skills, speed, rate of fire, and accuracy. They were a nightmare for heavy troops on march, lightely protected infantrymen, and was used to harrass constantly enemy lines, baggage, auxiliay scouts, driven enemy cavalry far away, or eliminating light skirmishers, archers and slingers. At close fight they fought with light axes, akinakes dagger or short swords.
SKUDAN SHIVATIR (Scythian horse archers) : Although the armenians never expand north, beyond the caucasian barrier, many scythian fled to avoid slavery or constant threat of the sarmatians. From Pontus, many scythian horse-archers travalled the balck sea to serve as mercenaries, due to their ancient and widespread fame as horse-archers; The late Tigranes Empire, while controlling the road of silk and many black sea eastern ports was rich and could as the former diadochis, enlist masses of mercenaries, including many scythian horse-archers.
ASPET HETSELAZOR : Lesser Noble cavalry. These petty nobles, earning small properties, were lightely but well protected, and using short kontos. They formed the bigger part of the lancer cavalry, mounted on medium sized horses, very fast and nervous. Perfect to counter most cavalry units, they were excessively good at protecting the flanks and chasing light infantry, or add their weight to the charge of nobles.
ZRAHAKIR NETADZIK : These noble horse archers were well equipped and highly skilled, beeing trained as horsemen for war and hunting since their very youth. Disciplined, sturdy and hardened, they formed the "long arm" of the fast-moving Armenian cavalry. Horses were powerful Niseans, but only partial cataphracts in order to be faster. After a rain of arrows, these Nobles fought in melee with heavy maces, swords, and kontos as well, that their retinue carried.
KAPPATUKA AZAT : This famous heavy cavalrymen from near Cappadocia were part of the gigantic armenian army during the reign or Tigranes II, after the fall of Pontus. This superb cavalrymen were mounted on heavy horse of crosses with local and nisean breeds, producing strong and tall mounts. They were cataphracts, and probably bowmen as well as kontos lancers, using longswords or maces at close range. Famous in the persian army, their retained their fame and quality until the fall of Pontus and Armenia under Roman sphere, and most of them were recruited to form the first clibinarii units, and dealing with Parthians and Sassanians after them.
NAKAHARARAKAN ASPET (Early bodyguard cavalry) : This high nobles were retained in the royal guard as cataphract lancers. They were keeped in reserve and launched at the right time, delivering a mass shock which was unstoppable. After the blow of their heavy cladded nisean horses, and the long kontos lances, melee combat was managed with success using maces and longswords. If the first blow was not sufficient to disrupt the enemy line, lighter cavalry then charged to turn the tide of battle.
HYE SPARAPET (Late bodyguard royal cataphracts) : These very heavy cavalry was modelled partly on the heavy pushtigban parthian cavalry. These were nobles of high lineage, which formed a very powerful and impressive unit of cataphracts with an only goal : Crushing enemy infantry lines, inclusing the most heavy and well-armed. They were slow, but their tremendous charge was like a hammerhead. After the shock of their long and heavy lances, they fought in the melee with heavy maces, ready to crush helmets and shields.
HAI SPARABARA. Although having only a light padded armor and an akinakes for close-combat, their efficience laid in their longer spears, an influence from the hellenic campaign, and always huge wicker shields, good at stopping many arrows, but not the long pikes of the phalanx.
HAI TAKABARA : These classic Persian infantrymen were composed of average recruits from many mountaineer different tribes. They were fierce, proud and brave, although lightly equipped and having few discipline, they formed a valuable attack infantry against many opponents. Their axes were good at breaking shields, opening breeches for other units to exploit.
HAI THANVAR PAYHADAG : Armenian auxiliary Persian archers. With the extent of the Armenian kingdom, the persian local troop styles were still current and in fact "persian" was more a kind of equipment and styl of archer than a real ethnical origin. These skilled and well-equipped archers were recruited throughout Northernwestern asia.
THANVAR KARTVELI : Caucasian archers were tribesmen, less well equipped than persians, but more agressive in close combat, with better skills for harrassing and raiding tactics than for pitched battles.
CAUCASIAN INFANTRY : This Iberian mountaineers were submitted to the armenian kingdom and formed one of its mots efficient light attack infantry, with a classic combination of javelins, akinakes, and tabar axe.
UNUSED : Early Azat Royal spearmen (Urartean inspired royal infantry)